Thursday, April 8, 2010

Chlamydia Information Straight Facts Regarding the Infection

The widespread invasion of sexually transmitted diseases is very alarming. That is why people should be more aware of these kinds such as knowing what lies under the Chlamydial infection.Chlamydia infection is the nation's most common bacterial STD, as the number of new cases per year is estimated to be at least 4.3 million. The causative organism, Chlamydia trachomatis, is a non-motile, gram-negative bacterium.

This organism is the most common cause of what was previously diagnosed as nonspecific vaginitis in women and nongonococcal urethritis in men.The infection is always transmitted by intimate sexual contact. Women usually acquire infection during intercourse with the infected man. Homosexual males can also transmit infection through oral-anal contact or anal penetration.

The infection dose not cross the placenta, but the passage through birth canal of an infected mother can cause the conjunctivitis and pneumonia in newborn.Chlamydial infection is known as the "Great Sterilizer". Undetected and untreated cases can progress to have serious, irreversible consequences. This infection causes inflammation that leads to scarring and ulceration of the involved tissue.

Take the Chlamydia Test For Your Peace of Mind

In women, the infection can extend to the endometrium and fallopian tube; the major consequence is the inflammation of the fallopian tube with subsequent infertility or high risk of ectopic pregnancy.Secondary extension to the peritoneum can cause pelvic inflammatory disease. In men, the infection can cause urethral stricture that may extend to the epididymis.

Sterility can result from the ensuing epididymitis. A serious systemic complication more common in men is Reiter's syndrome, which consists of urethritis, polyarthritis, and conjunctivitis.Chlamydia information is necessary as this infection primarily affect the cervix, urethra, and rectum. In most cases, the infection is asymptomatic for an extended period. When present, manifestations closely resemble that gonorrhea but are less severe.

In women, the primary site of infection is the endocervix.The cervix becomes edematous and produces a yellow, mucopurulent vaginal discharge. The discharge may be accompanied by spotting or menstrual midcycle or with sexual intercourse. The infection also causes inflammation of the urethra with painful or difficult urination, and urinary frequency in women.

Complications You May Face If Chlamydia Is Not Treated In Time

One study found that in 65% of women who had urinary manifestations and negative urine culture results, results of culture of Chlamydia trachomatis were positive. In males, the chief manifestation is inflammation of the urethra with painful and difficult urination, and clear mucopurulent discharge. In both sexes, rectal inflammation and inflammation of the pharynx may rectal or oral-genital contact.

Because chlamydial infection may produce few or no manifestations, clients tend not to seek medical treatment and the diagnosis is difficult and often missed. Because chlamydial and gonorrheal infections often coexist, diagnostic tests are recommended for both when either condition is suspected.Presumptive treatment for chlamydial infection in clients being treated for gonorrhea is appropriate, particularly when testing Chlamydia trachomatis is not performed.

The definitive test for the fast and accurate diagnosis of chlamydial infection has yet to be developed.The best and most sensitive diagnostic test is tissue culture of cellular material from urethra, endocervix, or rectum. This test can be acquired at numerous STD Clinics that can help you identify if you have the disease.
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